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Settlement vs. Trial: The Pros and Cons of Each When Seeking Compensation


Personal injury is an area of law involving cases where someone injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another pursues compensation from the liable party. The purpose of seeking compensation is to help the victim recover financially and get their life back on track after an accident.

Regarding resolving these cases, two approaches are typically available: settlement and trial. A settlement involves a negotiation between the injured party and the defendant, where they agree on compensation outside of court. In contrast, a trial involves a formal legal proceeding in a court of law, where a judge or jury determines the case's outcome.

Both settlement and trial have their pros and cons. A settlement can offer certainty, reduced costs, privacy, and more control over the outcome. However, it may result in lower compensation, limited options for recourse, and unequal bargaining power. Conversely, a trial can result in higher compensation, set legal precedents, create public accountability, and offer the right to appeal. However, it can be time-consuming, costly, unpredictable, and emotionally draining.

The decision to settle or go to trial should be carefully considered and based on the case's unique circumstances. It is vital to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney to make an informed decision for your needs.

To discuss your Kansas City case with a member of the Bertram & Graf, L.L.C. team, please call (888) 398-2277 or contact us online.

The Pros of Settlement

Certainty and Timeliness

One of the main advantages of settling a case is the certainty and timeliness it offers. Settlements are negotiated agreements between the injured party and the defendant, often facilitated by their respective legal representatives. Unlike trials, which can be lengthy and unpredictable, settlements provide a guaranteed outcome and can be resolved more quickly.

Lower Costs

Another pro of settlement is lower costs. Trials can involve extensive litigation and court fees, adding up quickly. In contrast, settlements often result in lower legal fees and expenses, making it a more cost-effective option.


Privacy is also a significant advantage of settlements. Trials are public proceedings that take place in open court, which means that personal information may be disclosed during the process. Conversely, settlements are typically private, allowing the parties to keep their personal information confidential.


Another benefit of settlement is the opportunity for the parties to have more control over the outcome. In a settlement, the injured party and the defendant can negotiate and reach a mutually agreeable resolution. This allows the parties to have a say in the terms of the settlement and potentially obtain a more favorable solution for both parties.

Cons of Settlement

While settlements have advantages, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks.

Lower Compensation

One potential con of settling a personal injury case is the possibility of lower compensation. In a settlement, the injured party may agree to accept a lesser amount to avoid the risks and uncertainties of a trial. This means that the compensation received through a settlement may be lower than what could be awarded in a trial.

Limited Options for Recourse

Another potential drawback of settlement is limited options for recourse. Once a settlement is reached, the injured party may be restricted from pursuing further legal action against the defendant, even if additional damages arise later. This can be a disadvantage if unforeseen complications arise after the settlement and the injured party cannot seek further compensation.

Unequal Bargaining Power

Unequal bargaining power can also be a concern in settlement negotiations. In some cases, the defendant or their insurance company may have more bargaining power due to their resources or legal expertise. This could result in a less favorable outcome for the injured party, as they may feel pressured to accept a settlement that is not in their best interest.

Pros of Trial

Another approach to resolving a personal injury case is through trial, a formal legal proceeding in a court of law where a judge or jury determines the outcome. While trials come with challenges, they also offer advantages that may appeal to some injured parties.

Potential for Higher Compensation

One of the potential benefits of going to trial is the possibility of higher compensation. Trials offer the opportunity for the injured party to seek maximum compensation, including damages for pain and suffering, lost wages, and future medical expenses, which may not be possible in a settlement. This can be particularly advantageous for cases where the injuries are severe and the damages are significant, as a trial may result in a higher award reflecting the full extent of the harm suffered.

Legal Precedent

Legal precedent is another advantage of trials. Trials can set legal precedents that may benefit other injured parties in future cases. This means that a successful trial outcome can create legal standards or guidelines that can be used as references in similar matters, helping establish a precedent that may lead to more favorable results for others.

Public Accountability

Public accountability is also a potential benefit of trials. Trials are public proceedings that may hold the defendant accountable more publicly, creating awareness about the issue and potentially affecting the defendant's reputation. This can be particularly important in cases where the defendant's actions were egregious or public awareness and advocacy for the injured party are needed.

Right to an Appeal

The right to appeal is another advantage of going to trial. If the injured party is dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial, they may have the right to appeal the decision and seek further recourse. This can provide an opportunity for a second review of the case and potentially result in a different outcome.

Cons of Trial

While trials offer benefits, they also come with potential disadvantages that injured parties should consider when deciding on their approach to seeking compensation.

Time-Consuming and Costly

One of the main drawbacks of going to trial is that it can be time-consuming and costly. Trials can take months or even years to conclude, involving court fees, expert witness fees, and legal expenses that can quickly add up. This can result in additional stress and financial burden for the injured party, particularly if they are already dealing with their injury's physical, emotional, and economic impacts.


Another potential disadvantage of trials is the uncertainty of the outcome. Trials are unpredictable, and the final decision is in the hands of the judge or jury. Despite the best efforts of the injured party and their legal team, there is no guarantee of a favorable outcome. This uncertainty can add greater stress and anxiety to the already challenging process of pursuing a personal injury case.

Emotional Toll

The emotional toll of trials is another factor to consider. Trials may require the injured party to relive the traumatic experience by testifying in court and facing cross-examination. This can be emotionally draining and may exacerbate the trauma associated with the injury. It is important to carefully consider the emotional impact of going through a trial and weigh it against the potential benefits.

Speak with an Attorney

Deciding whether to settle or go to trial is a significant decision requiring careful consideration. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, and the practical choice depends on the specific circumstances. Settlements offer certainty, timeliness, lower costs, and privacy. In contrast, trials offer the potential for higher compensation, legal precedent, public accountability, and the right to appeal.

Injured parties must seek the guidance of a lawyer to understand their rights and options fully. An attorney can provide valuable insights, negotiate on their client’s behalf, and protect their best interests throughout the legal process.

Bertram & Graf, L.L.C. is a reputable law firm in Kansas City. To speak with one of our lawyers, contact us at (888) 398-2277.