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Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $4.7 Million in Baby Powder Injury Case?


A new development in the long-running legal battle over Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder has occurred. A Missouri jury has ordered that the company pays $4.69 million to 22 women who alleged that they developed ovarian cancer due years of use of Johnson & Johnson baby powder and talc-based beauty products. Johnson & Johnson has faced a number of lawsuits alleging that asbestos-laced talcum powder products have led to mesothelioma and ovarian cancer, but the massive Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis verdict is another step in achieving justice for the victims.

Previous verdicts handed down against Johnson & Johnson have been overturned on legal technicalities, including one worth $417 million. The company plans to fight the St. Louis verdict and is currently challenging five other verdicts as well.

This case alleges that Johnson & Johnson has known that there was asbestos present in their talc beauty and infant care products since the 1970s, but has failed to cease the sale of talc products or warn consumers of the dangers. Asbestos and talc are naturally occurring minerals that often are found together. The suit alleges that Johnson & Johnson has not removed all asbestos from the talc before it is used in products and sold to consumers.

A study by the FDA reported that there were no discernible traces of asbestos in any of the talc samples tested between 2009 and 2010. The plaintiff argued that the FDA and other laboratories did not use adequate testing methods to detect fibers of asbestos in the talc. Johnson & Johnson denies the allegations, claiming that the companies rigorous testing and purification processes are adequate.

For now, the verdict stands for the 22 plaintiffs in the case, however, Johnson & Johnson is already planning their appeal. It seems that, for now, the battle is not yet finished.

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, or another cancer after using Johnson & Johnson talc products? Our compassionate, knowledgeable Kansas City product liability attorneys are here for you. We have extensive legal experience and we specialize in cases like yours, so you can feel confident that we will have what it takes to help you prevail.

Contact our firm to schedule a free case evaluation. Call (888) 398-2277 to begin.